The Fish Ate My Feet!

Every since I was introduced to pedicures, getting my feet worked on has been my simple pleasure!  I have had pedicures on vacation, at home, used online products to peel away the dry skin, dipped my feet in wax, but nothing has been as strange as having a fish pedicure!
I recently traveled to Playa Mia Resort for a day trip while on a cruise.  At the resort, they have a tiny stand where the Garra Rufa fish live.  These fish are sometimes referred to as Doctor fish, as they eat the dead skin, leaving fresh, healthy skin behind.

I asked a few questions before having my pedicure.  How are the tanks cleaned, is the water fresh, and do you feed the fish?  The tanks are cleaned daily, and the water recirculates through a filter (you can see the tanks look super clean and water crystal clear).  The fish are also fed daily like normal fish, so they do not starve them!


Unlike normal pedicures where you have an tech that works on your feet, here you just place your feet in the water (after being washed off and sanitized) and the fish go to town!  You instantly feed a slight buzzing, nothing that tickled me or my husband (yes, I made him try it too!).

For the next 20 minutes we sat, chatted, and listed to soothing music while the fish did their thing.  It was a very relaxing break from the hot sun, and after my feet felt smooth and silky.  There was not any polish or lotions involved, just the fish, so I guess I would call this a modified pedicure.


Here is a video of the fish in action.  It is cool to see the little “whiskers” moving while they are searching for nom noms.

Not sure how you feel about fish pedicures, here is the CDC’s take on them.  Do I think I would do it weekly, no, but for a fun vacation treat, yes!

What is the strangest, or best pedicure you have had.  Let me know by commenting on this post!

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